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Music Production

What is BTEC Music Production?

Our Music Production BTEC course is a Foundation Diploma which is worth 1.5 A-Levels. It is focused on developing the important skills required in today’s music industry.

What Will You Study in BTEC Music Production?

The BTEC Foundation Diploma in Music Production is a practical course which focuses on creating music through a range of modern recording and sequencing techniques. You will learn how to use Logic Pro 10 to an advanced level which will allow you to create a range of compositions in different genres.

You will explore the use of a range of instrumental sounds such as rock/pop instruments, synths and orchestral timbres to create professional, realistic sounding projects. You will learn how to operate a recording studio and become confident using microphones to record a real band of musicians. You will learn how to mix and master the song ready for release.

You will develop technical awareness of equipment and a musical ear so that you know how to use your technical knowledge in a musical way. You will learn how to work as a team to set up and run a Live Music Event. You must plan every element of the event, learn how to use the mixing desk, be able to set up speakers and microphones and communicate with on-stage performers.

You will learn about how the Music Industry works and be able to focus on a specific area that interests you. You will show that you can plan a career path for yourself, identifying your job roles, connections with other areas of the industry and cope with future challenges and opportunities.

What Next after Completing BTEC Music Production?

Music Production can lead you into an exciting and creative career in the music and media industries. The skills that you will develop are essential for working as a Performer, Composer or Producer, in a recording studio, in Radio and in theatres and live music venues. There is a wide range of vocational and academic Higher Education courses available in this subject area.

What is the Exam Board for BTEC Music Production?


What are the Entry Requirements for BTEC Music Production?

At least five 4s at GCSE and at least a 4 in Music (if studied) and a 4 in English Language or Maths.
Students who enrol on this course must be able to play at least one instrument to a competent level. For more detail please contact the Music Department.

You need to have a keen interest in a range of different types of music, be able to play an instrument or sing to a competent level and be prepared to learn music theory concepts. There is no exam on the course and assessment is carried out over a range of practical and written projects.

What is the Course Type for Music Production?

BTEC Foundation Diploma, this is equivalent to 1.5 A-Levels.
It is a common option to combine this course with either the A-Level Music or the RSL Creative Music Industry course.