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Foundation Learning

To apply for foundation learning you must have an EHCP and be working between Entry Level 1 and Level 1.

If your child falls out of the entry criteria and you feel that our course is suitable, please contact us and we can have further discussions.

Our focus is to prepare students for adulthood and their chosen aspirations after Newman.

We aim to provide a broad curriculum that will not only enhance their current skills but provide opportunities to develop new skills that they can apply into their everyday life.
We want all our students to become as independent as possible that will allow them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Key Dates and Admission Information:

  • Autumn/ Winter Term: Taster sessions
  • October - February: Applications Open
  • February Half Term: Application Deadline
  • Beginning of Summer Term: Places confirmed, Taster Session Attended, Assessment of Need, EHCP received
  • Summer Term: Transition opportunities for students

Foundation learning at Cardinal Newman College is to prepare our students for adulthood and their chosen aspirations after Newman.

We aim to provide a broad curriculum that will not only enhance their current skills but provide opportunities to develop new skills that they can apply to their everyday life. We want all our students to become as independent as possible which will allow them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

When a student begins their college life with us, we will begin to map out what their aspirations are for the future.  Our starting point will be carrying out a baseline assessment with the students, this will allow the staff team to develop working relationships with the students and identify how best they learn in different situations.  These findings will aid our staff to develop individual learning plans for the students, identifying SMART targets that will allow them to achieve and allow us to streamline the students into the appropriate study program which will enable them to build on existing skills and knowledge.

Foundation Learning Curriculum overview

Our curriculum is designed around the Adult Pathways four areas from Entry Level 1, 2, 3 and Level 1

Friends, Relationships and Community

Supporting a young person’s mental well-being and personal development is extremely important to ensure that our learners leave us as confident individuals who are emotionally and socially healthy.

Our Pastoral sessions are all about equipping learners with the skills needed to be resilient in modern-day society and also providing them with the skills needed to feel empowered enough to make confident decisions/choices when socialising with their peers either in the physical or virtual world. The students will also benefit from being taught a variety of self-care activities to help maintain a healthy relationship with themselves and that they can draw upon in more turbulent times to use as a coping mechanism.


Employability within Foundation Learning has a learner-centred approach. We are committed to supporting each of our students into the next phase of their education, employment or training by providing continual opportunities to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to make fully informed decisions about their future jobs or courses. We believe that all of our young people can pursue fulfilling, aspirational careers and we are committed to encouraging them to do so.

We want our students to experience a curriculum that establishes a growing knowledge and awareness of the world of work and what they, as young people, can aim for as they prepare for adulthood and transition from college.

Students will develop the skills and behaviours needed to progress to the next stage in their lives and identify progression opportunities.

We will endeavour to do this through meaningful work experience opportunities and lessons that encourage and inspire students to develop transferable skills.

Independent Living

Through our life skills lessons, students will learn a wide array of skills to take them one step closer to being an adult, by learning essential living skills, including home cooking, maintaining a clean home, dealing with common household situations and many more to better prepare them for the future. Our new completely re-imagined Independence Classroom has been specifically designed to replicate a home living environment to allow these new skills to be developed in a home-like setting, which will allow these skills to be better transferred into life outside of education.

Good Health

The primary aim of the Good Health strand is to equip our students with the knowledge, skills and motivation to go on to lead productive and healthy lives. The strand is centred primarily around physical, mental and emotional health and in the development of both body and mind.

Key areas are:

  • Developing enjoyment in exercise and a personal routine of regular physical activity
  • Understanding the importance of a balanced diet and regular sleep
  • Building personal hygiene practices that then become part of their daily life
  • Developing confidence, teamwork and resilience throughout subject activities allow our students to go on to lead happier and more productive lives

Key content:

Weekly PE sessions, Sports Leaders UK leadership accreditation, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Shower routine after PE, Healthy eating sessions, Extra-curricular PE activities, and regular competitive sporting tournaments.

Digital Life Skills

In today's digitally-driven world teaching these life skills to students is crucial for their independence and for them to succeed  in their chosen aspirations.  The lessons will cover a variety of different digital skills which can include; Internet Safety and Cybersecurity, Basic Computer and email skills, Social Media Awareness, Accessibility Tools and Assistive Technology.

Maths and English Foundation Learning

Each student on the Pathway to Adulthood with Foundation Learning will have 2 hours of English and Maths each week and work towards achieving the appropriate qualification e.g. Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2 up to Level 1.
They will also have the opportunity (where appropriate) to re-sit GCSE Maths and GCSE English Language at Cardinal Newman College.  All our lessons will be underpinned with Maths and English and how to use more practical approaches, for example: using money in a shop to purchase ingredients, how to read and understand a bus timetable, and filling out application forms.


We also offer a substantial enrichment program that will enhance their independence, personal interest, social and communication skills.

Things that we offer include:

  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Arts Award
  • Social Enterprises
  • Trips and Visits
  • Sport classes
  • Basic Cooking skills

The Cardinal Newman College Foundation Learning Team has years worth of experience in Teaching & Learning and meeting the needs of our Foundation Learning students.


Lisa Kirkman
Head of Foundation Learning

Lisa Kirkman

Brett Longstaff
Teacher of Wellbeing & DFE Co-ordinator

Brett Longstaff

Ann-Marie Chapman
Teacher of Maths and English

Ann Marie Chapman

Daniel McComb
Teacher of Independence

Daniel McComb

Stephanie McCartney
HLTA / Transition Lead


Connor Vaughan-Hindle
Support Tutor

MicrosoftTeams image (113)

Megan Durnham
Teacher of Employment
Stephanie Knight-Percival
Support Tutor
Fatma Dhobi
Support Tutor


Below is a list of equipment needed for College:

  • Pencil case
  • Pen (Blue/black) Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener Rubber
  • Ruler Highlighter Colouring pencils Felt tips
  • Calculator Glue Stick
  • A coat suitable for all weather Suitable footwear
  • Sports clothes and trainers (to be worn on the day of their P.E lessons) Shower gel, towel, and deodorant (for after P.E lesson)

Transition into adulthood can be a very worrying time, but it is something that needs to be thought about as soon as your child starts college with us. 

Does your son or daughter have a transition social worker?

You may be thinking this is an unnecessary question right now, as they have only just started college. However, the length of time it can take to get a transition social worker can take several months.

A transition social worker can help you navigate your way through changes in your child’s funding, which can be very confusing. They can also attend meetings such as the EHCP review in college, to ensure you get the right support throughout their time in education and onto their next steps in life, whether this be continuing in education or moving onto social care.

You can apply for a transition social worker through the Local Education Authority, or through your child’s current social worker (if they have one).

If your child is under the age of 18, please complete the attached Transition to Adult Services Referral Form, attach a copy of your child’s EHCP and email it to the email address on the front. Alternatively, you can complete the form, return it to college and we will attach their EHCP and email it over.

If your child is over the age of 18, you need to apply in a different way.You can ring 0300 123 6720 and ask for a Social Care Assessment for your child or email csc.acscustomerservices@lancashire.gov.uk to request a Social Care Assessment and provide your name, address, telephone number, email address, your child’s name and date of birth.

We understand people’s reluctance to engage with social services, however, it is a necessary evil because whether they move into social care now or after the age of 25, they will need a social care assessment. From past experience, we like to start this process early because social services are not always quick to reply, and we like to put the horse before the cart and not after.

Our curriculum is designed for Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2, Entry Level 3, and Level 1.

Focusing on the Adult Pathways four areas:

  • Personal and Social Development – develop your skills around friendships, relationships, and your own mental wellbeing.
  • Employment – learning designed to prepare you for the world of work, covering CV writing, interview techniques and applying for a job.
  • Independent Living – learn the skills you need to become as independent as possible, from cooking and cleaning to digital life skills.
  • Good Health – take part in weekly PE and wellbeing sessions over a curriculum including individual and team sports, fitness-based activities, and Sports Leaders UK sessions.

Work Related Learning

We offer a range of activities that improve our students’ abilities in a work-like environment. Utilising placements at Royal Preston Hospital, Preston Vocational Centre, The College Shop, Sow and Grow, The College Library and many more to develop these skills.

Literacy and Numeracy

Every student will have numeracy and literacy lessons, which will allow them to build a portfolio of evidence and develop skills in functional numeracy and literacy that they can use ineveryday life situations. Where appropriate, students will have the opportunity to work towards a functional skills qualification or a GCSE re-sit within the main college.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh award is based around challenging young adults, doing well for themselves and the community, is widely recognised around the world and it is offered to all our 2nd year students.
We embed the key areas of Volunteering, Physical and building Skills into our weekly curriculum which culminates in expedition planning, practice walks and our final expedition.
Over the years, we have run the Duke of Edinburgh and it has been tremendous to see the students' journey of personal progress, building camaraderie with peers and developing an appreciation for the outdoors.

RE & Chaplaincy
All students have an RE lesson each week, delivered by the RE team. The sessions are fun, creative, and thought provoking. The Chaplaincy supports the college as a community, serving the spiritual needs of students, staff, and the wider community.
We celebrate the richness and diversity of our college community, and there is opportunity for students to get involved with Chaplaincy if they wish to do so.

Absences and Absence Requests

You need to let college know if you will be absent. If you have any medical appointments, please let us know in advance. 
Please call college on 01772 460181 (ask for Foundation Learning) or email your key worker.

Emergency Contact Details

It is of the upmost importance that the college is kept up to date with any change in emergency contact details and that the emergency contact is available during college hours.


Should a student require medication whilst in college it must be given to a member of staff who will store it in the First Aid room in a locked cabinet, it must be clearly labelled and in the original box with the dose marked on it, it cannot be decanted. If students take medication at home, we still need to be informed, so that we have up to date records should any emergency arise.
Please also inform us there are any changes in medication to allow our records can be updated. We will require a signed consent for if you require us to administer medication.


If you currently travel by Lancashire County Council transport, you will need to reapply as this will not automatically continue.
Their telephone number is 01772 531597.
A NowCard will also be helpful for when accessing the local community with college and at weekends. To apply for a NowCard visit the following website: -NoWcard: How to Apply in Lancashire
Alternatively Lancashire residents can also call the NoWcard Helpline on 0300 123 6737.

Residents of Chorley can call 01257 515151 to make an appointment to apply at the following location:
Chorley Council
Civic Offices
Union Street


In this academic year bursary applications will only be available online If you unable to access a computer, please could you send in the relevant documents, and we will support your son/daughter to make the application. To apply for the college bursary, please visit the following website: - College Bursary - Cardinal Newman College

ID Badges

To ensure a safe environment we issue all students, staff and visitors with ID Badges and lanyards. Students must wear ID badges always whilst in college and it must be visible. We will issue your lanyard and ID badge in September. Please note that if the lanyard is lost or misplaced, a new one will be issued at a cost of £3.00.
Visiting College

If you are visiting college, you will need to make an appointment and be required to sign in at main reception before arriving at the department.

Personal Possessions

Students are discouraged from bringing valuable personal possessions to college. Students will be responsible for their possessions whilst at college.

Personal Hygiene

We encourage all our students to maintain good levels of personal hygiene and arrive to college clean and ready to learn. If personal hygiene routines are difficult for students to maintain, we have student shower facilities that they can utilise and develop better personal hygiene habits.

Autumn Term


Students return on: Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Students finish: Thursday 10th October 2024

Half Term: Monday 14th October 2024 – Friday 25th October 2024

Students return on: Monday 28th October 2024

Students finish: Tuesday 17th December 2024


Spring Term


Students return to College: Monday 6th January 2025

Students finish: Thursday 13th February 2025

Half Term: Monday 17th February 2025 – 21st February 2025

Students return on: Monday 24th February 2024

Students finish: Tuesday 1st April 2025

Easter Holiday: Wednesday 2nd April 2025 – Friday 18th April 2025

Students return on: Tuesday 22nd April 2025


Summer Term


May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May 2025

Students finish: Thursday 15th May 2025

Half Term: Monday 19th May 2025 – Friday 30th May 2025

All Year 13 on Duke of Edinburgh Residential: Monday 19th May 2025 – Wednesday 21st May 2025

Students return on: Monday 2nd June 2025

Student End of Term: Thursday 26th June 2025