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Application Journey - Parent Guide

My Child Has Applied to Newman – What Now?

If your child has applied to join Cardinal Newman College, congratulations, they are making the first step towards an exciting future. You may be wondering what is next in the process for them in their journey towards becoming a fully-fledged Newman student in September.

Firstly, interviews for Cardinal Newman take place in August once our applicants have received their GCSE results, so they are able to fully discuss their application and make decisions about what they want to study at the College based on the grades they have achieved in their GCSEs.

Students who have received an offer of a place at the College will receive an email in July, inviting them to book this enrolment appointment, which will take place online via Microsoft Teams. This will be either on GCSE results day or the day after, depending on which date they choose.

They will also be given the opportunity to attend Newman Fest, which takes place on 30th June and gives them the chance to try out their subjects before they enrol in August. They will get a taste of College life and be able to confirm if the College and subjects are the right choice for them. Details of this event and how to sign up will be sent via email, so please encourage them to keep an eye out for this.

Information regarding Transport and Bursaries will be sent out to both applicants and parents in May, with details of prices and how to purchase travel passes included.

If your child needs to make any changes to their application before their enrolment appointment, they can do so, simply by contacting the Admissions Team at any time via email at admissions@cardinalnewman.ac.uk or by calling 01772 460 181 between 9am - 4pm Monday to Friday.