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Governing Body and Committee Minutes

You can find archived Governance Minutes here

The Audit Committee has a number of responsibilities, but its main purpose is to advise the Governing Body on the effectiveness of the College’s audit arrangements and systems of internal control and risk management.

The Committee meets termly and considers reports from the external auditor and other assurance providers.

The Committee uses the risk register to identify where the College needs further assurance including the commissioning of reviews by external and independent experts and auditors.

Terms of Reference


Minutes 2023/24


The Governance and Search Committee has a “search” role in considering how the Governing Body can manage its own renewal and succession and a “governance” in ensuring effective governance.

While the Diocese of Lancaster appoints Foundation Governors, the Committee seeks suitable candidates for this and other categories of Governing Body membership.

The Committee reviews skills and diversity gaps, governor training and development and other important issues.

The Committee includes the chairs of the other committees so acts as a sounding board for both the Chair and the Principal.

The Committee meets termly.

Terms of Reference


Minutes 2023/24



The Finance and Resources monitors the finances of the College and key back-office functions including estates and networks. It also considers policies across these areas.

The Committee considers termly financial reports and draft budgets and financial plans. It also reviews financial benchmarking.

With the audit committee, it recommends the annual report and accounts to the Governing Body.

The Committee meets at least termly.

Terms of Reference


Minutes 2023/24



The Governing Body has three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the senior leaders to account for the educational performance and Catholic character of the College and its students; and for the internal organisation, management and control of the College, including performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the College and making sure its resources are properly and effectively managed.

The Governing Body is supported and advised by its committees.

The Governing Body meets at least four times a year.


Minutes 2023/24



The Quality, Curriculum and Staffing Committee reviews performance and considers policies affecting students and staff.

As part of its remit, the Committee considers exam results, including high grades and value added, and student satisfaction.

The Committee has a special role in relation to the Catholicity of the College and receives reports on the work of Chaplaincy and RE.

The Committee meets termly.

Terms of Reference

Minutes 2023/24




The Quality, Curriculum and Staffing Committee reviews performance and considers policies affecting students and staff.

As part of its remit, the Committee considers exam results, including high grades and value added, and student satisfaction.

The Committee has a special role in relation to the Catholicity of the College and receives reports on the work of Chaplaincy and RE.

The Committee meets termly.


2023/24 Minutes


Terms of Reference
